Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Last night I started on the fuselage by framing out the base for the bun.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Keep that thing away from me!

It's HUGE, Pink and it might poke your eye out! No, not really...I'm just happy see that you're reading my blog. As you can see, I built a whopping wiener that is nine and a half feet long and a foot in diameter. It is a full 18 inches longer then the original Red Hot Flyers dog. Open wide!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hey, nice TIPS!

HEHEHEHEHEHEHE! So, this past weekend concluded the construction of the Red Hot Flyer II's wing tips. I also, finished up the wing struts that connect to the side of the bun. Next up is starting to build the hot dog and bun, a.k.a the fuselage.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I got you covered

This past weekend my Dad and his main squeeze Gini came by to help Allison (my main squeeze) and I stretch the paper over the main wing sections. It is a process that goes pretty easily when you have a few people. The process goes like this. My dad applied glue to the wing ribs, Gini and Allison wet the center of each piece of paper with a roller leaving the edges that get glued in place dry. Next they applied glue to the edges and when the glue gets a little tacky I place them on the wing ribs, making sure the seams are smooth. The cool thing is by wetting the paper down the middle it expands letting you glue it down and when it dries it shrinks giving you a nice tight wing covering.

Closer then you think!

This last week was a really tough week for the Red Hot Flyer II. Construction screeched to a halt on Wednesday do to a really bad toothache. It turns out that a root canal I had when I was in high school became infected. Not only that I also had a sinus infection to boot! After 3 days of pain and suffering I had the little bugger ripped out. Well, it wasn't so little since it was my second molar, that would the last tooth in the back. Once it was out I felt so much better and it is healing up just fine. On my way to see the Endodontist I saw the first poster for the Red Bull Flugtag Chicago. September 6th is coming up quick and I better get back to work!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


That's what she said! Hehehe! Well, last night after assembling the second wing section and temporally putting the upper middle wing section in place it is apparent that the Red Hot Flyer II is freaking huge. The wing span right now is almost 24 feet and with a addition of wing tips it will be 28 feet. I know size does matter but this is a bit ridiculous. What was I thinking? So I think I have decided to reduce the size of the center wing sections by almost half and possibly cut down the size of the wing tips a bit as well.

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's gonna be BIG!!!!!!!!!

As you can see in the photos above, the Red Hot Flyer II is gonna be big! That is just one of the three plus wing sections. What was I thinking????????

Friday, August 1, 2008

WINGing it 2.0

This week I have started building the upper and lower middle wing sections. These sections are what will attach the wings to the Red Hot Flyer II. The upper wing will attach to the bun via two struts and the bottom wing is actually comprised of three pieces. The two larger outer sections will attach to the smaller middle section which will be built into the RHF2 bun.