Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm WINGing It!

This weekend was not as productive as I would have liked due to a few necessary distractions. The first distraction was for some inspiration. I had to go see The Dark Knight, which by the way was awesome and the second was to celebrate my girlfriends birthday which brought a big smile to her face. Anyway,  back to the Red Hot Flyer II, I am 90% finished with the 4 wing struts. I spent time reenforcing then with foam and added blocking for wire bracing if needed. I have also moved on to building the first wing section. There are 6 main wing sections and 4 wing tips making up about 55 feet of wing length. After all it is a biplane.


chrome dome industries said...

Hey I was wondering what you are thinking about covering the wings with. Your progress looks great.


gReGo said...

The wings will be skinned with a layer of brown paper and then it will get a layer or two of paper mache with the final layer being colored paper. That is the same thing I did on the original Red Hot Flyer. It is sort of a big arts and craft project for me.